Nearly every person has at least one mole, some people have multiple. A mole is also known as a “naevus” which simply means a collection of the same type of cell. Melanocytic naevi are by far the commonest types of mole people present with, most of which are harmless. Such moles are formed when melanocytes (containing the skin pigment melanin) gather in clusters. Moles can appear anywhere on the body, and new moles can appear into your 40s. Halo Medical Services is specially trained to remove most types of moles and skin tags. We offer choice or shave excision, surgical removal, radio frequency, laser removal or plasma sublimation. We always examine the skin first before we remove anything.
what are moles or skin tags?
common types of moles
Congenital Naevi
Nearly every person has at least one mole, some people have multiple. A mole is also known as a “naevus” which simply means a collection of the same type of cell. Melanocytic naevi are by far the commonest types of mole people present with, most of which are harmless. Such moles are formed when melanocytes (containing the skin pigment melanin) gather in clusters. Moles can appear anywhere on the body, and new moles can appear in to your 40s.
Junctional Naevi
These are the first type of naevi to occur in childhood and adolescence, and appear as Flat macules, usually under 6mm. They can vary in colour from Tan, brown, to black. These are often genetically determined but can be influenced by UV radiation and can occur anywhere on the head, neck, trunk and sun exposed areas. In adults they can occur on the soles, palms and even genital areas. Most functional naevi mature into adulthood and regress as they lose their pigmentation.
Compound Naevi
As junctional naevi mature, the pigment cells (melanocytes) migrate deeper in the skin down to the epidermal-dermal junction to form compound naevi (with components of both junctional and intradermal naevi.) These moles tend to appear in childhood and early adulthood as smooth papule or nodules, with variable colour from Tan to brown. They tend to have well demarcated edges and can have terminal hairs. They can appear bumpy and thickened, or even warty (papillomatous) in appearance. These tend to regress in adulthood.
Intradermal Naevi
As the pigment cells (melanocytes) migrate to the deeper layers of skin over time, their activity reduces, and less melanin is produced. These tend not to be seen until our 30s and can appear anywhere. Older intradermal naevi in the flexors or trunk can become pedunculate (on a stalk) like skin tags. They often have a firm rubbery texture and tend to be raised papule as the mass of melanocytes push the cells above upwards. They are often tan or skin colures and often have fine blood vessels (telangiectasia) visible, and occasionally hairs. .
less common types of moles
Atypical Naevi
These are usually multiple with irregular shape and pigmentation. Flat (macular) and raised (papular) areas can be seen in the same mole, with variable colour. There is contentious debate whether such atypical moles are more likely to develop into melanoma than ordinary moles. There is however a consensus that those with multiple atypical naevi are at a higher risk of developing a melanoma.
Blue Naevus
A harmless mole with a dark steel blue colour. They appear blue due to the deeper location in the skin layers. These can occur anywhere on the body, but generally start to appear in older children or teenage years and tend to be more common in females.
Halo Naevus
This is a mole surrounded by a pale ring. This is caused by an autoimmune response to an existing mole such that the mole will often become less pigmented and may regress over several years. These are typically seen in the trunk in children and young adults. It is unclear what causes this reaction, but sunburn is a suggested trigger.